Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In one week...

...the end will begin...

...and the weekly texting parties will resume, which consist mostly of WTFs and girlie comments about Sawyer and Sayid.

All I know is some questions better be answered. And there better not be a Wizard of Oz-type ending.

Also, someone should explain the frightening resemblance between Albie from Big Love (on left) and Benjamin Linus from LOST (on right).


Jennifer Perez said...

Cher if I didn't already love you... this would have been the clincher. <3

Not only do I love Lost... You managed to mention Big Love in a conversation about Lost...

April said...

LMAO, I think that's amazing that you were able to spot a resemblance between the two guys - all i know is Albie creeps me out. Honestly, I got lost on LOST last year and quit watching mid-way but it's on Netflix for me to catch up on this weekend. I REALLY want to be ready to watch this year. I already saw an interview that there will still be questions; but also some answers. They wouldn't be who they were "without leaving questions." I think it was an interview on NBC Today show . . .

Kelly Miller said...

My heart skipped a beat. Love LOST! Every week I think, just a few more weeks to go ... and finally it's here!

Cheri said...

Is it just me or does it seem like FOREVER since it was last on the air? I hope there is a bit of a recap in the first episode as I honestly can't remember what was going on... oh wait - an explosion - and Juliet falling down in the hole...