Sunday, March 07, 2010

Set It Sunday: Week 7

New to Set It Sunday? Click here to read the motivation behind the meme.

Take a Second Glantz 

Greetings, friends! It is such a glorious day: the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the snow is finally melting. The weather is so nice, I can't even complain about having to go grocery shopping. ☺

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My very small goal of catching up on personal phone calls was a fun one. Using the phone is something I need to be better about in the future. I tend to rely mostly on computer communication since I'm online at least 12 out of 24 hours, but sometimes it's nice to hear your friends' voices.

Joining me last week were Cheri and The Nutty Brunette. How'd you do, ladies?

Set It
Thanks for all the supportive comments on Friday about giving myself a break. You guys are the best. ☺ But now it's time to get back into the swing of things and recapture my "me time." In order to do so, I'm afraid that means getting up more than 15 minutes before I'm supposed to be at work. Sigh. Thus my goal for the week is to get reacquainted with the early morning. We'll bond over some quiet reading and writing time and maybe even fit in a few workouts. Here's to a good and productive week!

Want to join me in focusing more time on a personal goal this week? Grab the button below, and leave a comment with the link to your blog post.

Take a Second Glantz
 Copy and Paste Code


Crafty Girls Workshop said...

I'm stopping by to say hi as part of the Lady Blogger's Society tea party! Cute blog and how inspiring to set a goal each Sunday. Since I've been out of a job I've gotten very lax about my daily routines and I need to get back into a better routine to take care of myself. This week I think I'll try to make sure I get up and fully dressed each morning (instead of hanging out in my PJs all day). Is it weird that a perfect stranger just admitted that? Hmm. I'm a follower now and I'll be back!


NB said...

Hey! Great goal for the week. My last weeks goal backfired. It was to spend less time with people, like my boyfriend but I actually saw him twice as much as usual.

Yvette said...

Hope you are having a great week!!! :)