Monday, March 29, 2010

Set It Sunday

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 Take a Second Glantz

Sorry for the day-late post. I'm completely off schedule for a very fun reason (more about that later in another post), so I can't say that I feel incredibly guilty about it.  :)

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Thanks to Cheri and The Nutty Brunette for playing along again last week. How did you ladies do?

This was NOT a good goal-completing week for me. Between working 10- to 12-hour days and the very fun reason that kept me busy from Thursday to late yesterday, I'm almost embarrassed to review this list publicly.

1) follow my morning schedule - I did really good with this one. Go me!
2) go to bed at 10 - Twice. This one might need to be tweaked in the future. Ten is a bit early for me.

3) read for 30 minutes before bed every night - A few nights, but not every night. I need to force myself into this one.
4) finish my book - Because I wasn't faithful to #3, this one didn't happen.
5) clear my blog reader this week - Hahahaha! Really? Who did I think I was kidding? I was the WORST bloggy friend this week that I've ever been. I didn't read a single post (nor did I respond to a single comment). This is mostly because of the terrible habit I started with this new job that needs to go: working through my lunch break.
6) finish my MIL's scarf - This was going to be my Saturday project, and then my Saturday got hijacked (in a good way), so this is a "no" for the second week in a row. *hanging my head in shame*

7) reopen my Etsy store - I'm closer, but no.

Like I said last week, I'm not going to waste time feeling guilty or lamenting about my failed intentions. Instead, I'm going to work on those things that I know are holding me back from completing this list.

Set It
1. Take a lunch break. EVERY day. Even if it's not the full hour, I'm going to step away from my desk and give my brain a break from work. This will also allow me time to:
2. Get reacquainted with my bloggy friends. *waving hi*
3. Finish my MIL's scarf. I'm putting this project on the couch so that I have no choice but to pick it up when I want to watch TV at night.
4. Reopen my Etsy store. I can do this now, so what am I waiting for - a formal invitation from myself?
5. Taxes. Need I say more?

Whatever you decide to tackle, I hope your week is a great one!

Want to join me in focusing more time on a personal goal this week? Grab the button below, and leave a comment with the link to your blog post.
Take a Second Glantz
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Cheri said...

Congrats on the successes you DID have and can't wait to hear about the FUN stuff! :)

Jess S. said...

Hello from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party *raises pinky finger*. I love your blog layout with the dinosaur, but mostly, I love the sexy picture of Eric I spied on the side. True Blood Lovers Unite!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Clearing the google reader is an exercise in futility! Good luck! :) Miss ya in bloggyland!

Anonymous said...

you work through your lunch week? man, you must be one of those "good" employees i've heard about. and this is why i'm scared to return to the workforce once the little one starts school. i'd rather sleep under my desk than work.

and i love that jess is raising the pinky!