Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Five: New Obsessions

Sometimes I get obsessed with something and feel the need to share my crazy.
These are a few of my latest addictions.

This is probably the lamest addiction I've ever had,
but you can't tweet/FB about unlocking stickers
(*cough, cough,* AmandaJenniferApril)
and expect the 6-year-old sticker-collecting whore inside me
to refrain from at least checking it out.
Stickers aside (though, let's face it, that's the best part),
it is fun to see what your friends are watching.
As someone who loves to talk about TV and movies,
this has been a fun "secondary" social media site for me.

2. NOOK Color

Thanks to a surprise bonus payment for one of my projects,
I finally "broke down" and bought an eReader.
I'm a convert!
That's not to say I'm never going to buy another tangible book.
My series books will continue to have homes on my real-life bookshelves.
The turning point for me was finding out that I could
do on an eReader two of the things most important to me
in my world of reading: borrowing books from the library
and sharing books with friends.
Once I realized how easy it was to continue doing both of these things,
I could no longer argue against getting one.
Plus, having an eReader is a much handier way
to read NetGalley loans and the like.
So far, I'm not disappointed.
And how super cute is that case?!
If you have a NOOK, we should be "NOOK Friends!"
I don't have a huge collection yet,
but once it grows, I would love to start swapping books!

With a consistency of the perfect blend between
a potato chip and a pretzel,
and the taste of a bagel chip,
this is my new favorite snack.

4. Covet by SJP
image source

My mom gave me a bottle of this forever ago,
and being a one-scent woman,
I never really used it.
I'm not sure why I picked up the bottle a few months ago,
but I did, and now I can't put it back down.

5. This bookmark 

The first thought that comes to mind is,
"Why didn't I think of that?!"
After the fit of creative jealousy subsides,
I have nothing but total love for this Etsy find.
As a Wizard of Oz fanatic, this is easily my new favorite bookmark.

What are you obsessed with lately?


Cheri said...

It is a strange collection of addictions, but the bookmark is cute!

SueFitz said...

I like get glue also. I think it was a free app of the day and that is how I got it

I thought it was a great way to get stickers of the movies I've see with my nephews this year (mr p's penguins cars2)

I'll use them in their yearly letter I write to the about what we did during the year. I put in photos ticket stubs and other things in the envelope

My plan is to give them the letters when the turn 18 they are 10 & 8 now