Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Here's to a new year!
L'Shanah Tovah! For those of us who practice the Jewish faith, it's the eve of a new year. As I throw bread into the lake tomorrow afternoon, a ritual known as tashlich, symbolizing the castoff of the year's transgressions, I will also symbolically purge all the negativity that has been standing in my own way. Asking for forgiveness of others for mistakes I have made, I will also forgive myself for plans unfulfilled and goals unachieved. Releasing the bread crumbs from my hand, I will let go of the past year, no longer dwelling on what did or didn't happen but instead looking forward to all the possibilities that come with a metaphorical clean slate. 

In the days leading up to Erev Rosh Hashanah, I have of course reflected much on who I've been and what I've done (and, more obviously to me, haven't done) this year, as well as where I want to go from here, as is custom. But instead of doing a lot of paca-paca (talking) about it, I am resolved for the changes to be reflected, and thus apparent to you, in my future actions. Here's to a happy 5772!


Cheri said...

Happy New Year to you! I'll be embarking on a similar personal journey the last week of December... so love that blank slate and all its possibilities!

Lady Grey said...

L'Shana Tova ... may the new year bring you peace and happiness ...

Brittany said...

Happy New Year!!I hope you have a revolution this New Year instead of resolutions ^_^. That was my goal at New far so good.

April said...

I love the idea of letting go of all the un-done things & moving forward. So often the things I want to accomplish get bogged down in past guilt. I'm thinking about this now, I think I want to come up with a symbolic way to let all that go!