Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Take-the-Cake Tuesday

Welcome to a new weekly feature at Take a Second Glantz!
Every Tuesday, I'll celebrate a few(ish) things that really take the cake.

For my inaugural TTC Tuesday post, I have two words: RYAN. LOCHTE. 

Did you guys see that trail of smoke he left in the water during last night's 400 IM Olympic trial? Perhaps even more impressive (as if that weren't enough) is the fact that in the midst of Lochte's greatness, in the midst of the media's (and nation's) love affair with him, he somehow manages to stay humble (good job, Mama Lochte) and focused. When the interviewer asked how being the "hunted" instead of the "hunter" in the Olympics would change things for him, he said that those were the media's thoughts, that he still considers himself the hunter.

Mimi disagrees. "Meow meow hunting you, Lochte, meow meow meow."

And who could blame her?!
image source

And so, Lochte, today I raise my fork to you. You take the cake. JEAH!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I don't follow the media, therefore was uninformed regarding Lochte. But I'll admit - he's easy on the eyes.