Wednesday, November 06, 2013

The Halloween that Wasn't

Halloween is by far my favorite holiday of the year. Perhaps it's the love I had of playing "make believe" as a young girl, or maybe it's the theatre nerd that developed in me during my teenage years, or perhaps it's the excuse to "be dark" now that I'm too old to be goth. No matter what the root cause is, I count down to Halloween beginning in September with the same enthusiasm that my nieces count down Christmas starting in summer. 

Not having anyone to dress up around here besides myself (Mimi will not be disgraced by such a notion), I tend to go "all out" with my own costume.

Exhibit A:
Circa 2006, I was an exaggerated version of my former self.
Exhibit B:
Circa 2011, Bellatrix Lestrange was the hit of the party,
with everyone except for Ginny Weasley, that is.
Exhibit C:
Circa 2012, Sookie Stackhouse left Bon Temps
and made her way to South Carolina.

So you can imagine my disappointment when - despite all my vitamins, hand washing, and fruit eating - I caught the cold of death just in time to RUIN HALLOWEEN.

This is as Halloweenie as it got around here this year.
I read about supernaturals and watched vampires & werewolves
(aka watched Eclipse for the hundredth time)
in between naps.

Too sick to carve the pumpkin?
Just stuff the pumpkin in a pair of patterned pantyhose.
I still managed to get a sugar high, thanks to one of Hubby's students.

I haven't yet gotten over the disappointment of my Halloween that wasn't, but at least there's always Purim:



Cheri said...

If it makes you feel any better, we didn't do Halloween either. I was on a plane back from Los Angeles and didn't get home until 9 p.m. Only saw a couple of random teens out and about.

So did you see the finale of Face Off??? I don't want to be a spoiler if you haven't but I was so thrilled with the results!

Greta @gfunkified said...

That pumpkin is awesome. I'm sorry you got sick! That stinks. At least you had candy and young adult hotties to watch??

Greta @gfunkified said...

Also....I LOVE the Sookie look!

Susi_Snaps said...

Sorry you got sick this Halloween. Love your costumes... Hopefully, next year you'll be back for more fun. Great idea for the pumpkin!

Robin @ Farewell Stranger said...

Aw, bummer. That sucks that you had to miss your fave holiday. Awesome costumes, though.

Robin @ Farewell Stranger

Larks said...

I love that you're so into Halloween and I'm sorry you were sick this year. I love the Bellatrix costume!