Monday, December 09, 2013

A Glantz Back - Part 1

If you've been around this part of the blogosphere for a while, I don't have to tell you that my blog posts have been few and far between (or practically non-existent) this year. So when I read that Shell was co-hosting a year-in-review extravaganza, I thought it would be a good opportunity to not only "Glantz" back at this year's highlights, but also fill in some of the gaps.

At the end of 2012, I was working two part-time jobs, as well as freelancing. In January, I said goodbye to freelancing and the part-time job I had been working for about 18 months. My co-workers sent me off in the best possible way, with laughter:


The second part-time job I had picked up in the fall of 2012 offered me a full-time position, and I jumped at it.

"The work you do while you procrastinate
is probably the work you should be doing
for the rest of your life." - Jessica Hische

I remember hearing this quote a few years back and thinking, If only I could get paid to Tweet and Facebook and tinker with online design all day... Pfft, like that would happen. In January that pie-in-the-sky dream became a reality when I accepted the position of Communications Director for a local non-profit organization.

On Sundays, I got to play with one of my favorite people, co-teaching at our Religious School. 

Working only one job, I found more time to relax at home.

A fun month, it started with a yummy lunch in Charleston, SC.

And it ended with finding out whether blondes have more fun during our Purim celebration. (I got major props for going to Temple dressed as a pig.)

Hubby and I spent many a night at Bar Mitzvah parties. This one was at The Zone at Williams-Brice Stadium, where I proved my true allegiance as a Florida Gator.

My mom came to visit to celebrate both our birthdays. We celebrated hers with surprise tickets to Les Miserables.

In between birthday celebrations, I led a super small, 15-minute Passover Seder.

And I admittedly cheated at the end of Passover to celebrate my birthday by sharing my favorite Charleston restaurants with my mom...

...and to EAT CUPCAKES!

All in all, it was a fun and satisfying start to the year.

Emmy Mom


Cheri said...

Does sound like a great start to the year. Without going back and looking, I have no idea what I was doing 1st quarter of 2013!

Shell said...

That cake is hilarious! I'll have to remember that idea!

I just love when it's possible to do the work that I really want to be doing. Congrats on finding a job like that.

Emmy said...

That cake is too funny. So awesome you got your dream job! Not many people can say that.
I really want a cupcake now, those look good. Love Les Miz.
So glad you are recapping with us and nice to meet you.

Alison said...

What a great start to the year with your dream job becoming reality!