Thanksgivukkah was a gastronomic mashup of epic proportions
and portions.
A dreidel spinning during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade + Thanksgiving nametags on menorahs as place settings + sweet potato latkes and cranberry applesauce + turkey AND brisket + pumpkin spice sufganiyot (doughnuts) + a cornucopia of gelt and dreidels = EPIC holiday mashup! |
Here are a few "pinteresting" recipes that were among our favorites:
Thanksgivukkah may have come and gone, but Chanukah is still here (barely - where is the time going?!) For those of you who celebrate, happy Chanukah!
So many awesome food choices - I kind of want to try those rice krispie treats! Looks like a fun holiday!
What a fun holiday mash-up. And Happy Hanukkah!
Oh, the food, THE FOOD!!! YUM. I think every holiday should be a double holiday!
Sounds like you got it exactly right!
Ooh, that looks delicious!
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