Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nablopomo, it's been real

30 posts in 30 days.

It hasn't always been easy, it hasn't always been fun, it hasn't always been interesting (for you or me). My scrapbooking took a backseat, as did my blog reading. And there were nights I struggled to keep my eyes open in order to post before the clock turned midnight. But I don't regret it; in fact, I'm grateful. Thanks to the "need" to post daily, I participated in some wonderful memes and communities (looking at you, Girl Talk Thursday- thanks for introducing me to it, Jenny!) I didn't know about prior to this challenge, and through those, I've continued to make great connections through the blogosphere and Twitterverse. Furthermore, I credit Nablopomo for helping me get back in the writing groove, so I can't call it anything less than rewarding.

Thanks for sticking with me through this adventure. I can't promise that you'll continue to see me in your reader on a daily basis, but I can promise that you'll see me more often than you used to. And a special thank you to my friend, Jenny, (who also successfully Nablopomo'd... you go girl!) who was an encouraging force, especially on the nights I wasn't bitten by the blogging bug.


Jenny said...

You are so sweet! :) It wouldn't have been NEARLY as much fun without you, babe! :) Now, off to do my final NaBloPoMo post...

Yvette said...

30 posts in 30 days sounds pretty darn good to me! :)

Jen said...

Ooh, Girl Talk Thurs. sounds fun! Congrats on accomplishing your goal!